
Recycling By Dunlop

Participating retailers collect old or discarded foam underlay, together with off-cuts and trims sent back to them, and deliver all of this to Dunlop Flooring. Here it is cleaned, sorted, and ultimately recycled into new reusable underlay. This brand new recycled Dunlop Underlay is then passed on to the retailer, who in turn provides you the benefit of quality Australian made underlay for your home.

Dunlop Flooring is committed to playing our part in reducing landfill and our overall impact on the environment. We recycle carpet underlay, and use recycled content within our underlay products.

Our Dunlop Underlays are...

  • Made up of
    Recycled Materials
  • 0%

What’s more, we manage our own recycling program, Recycle by Dunlop, encouraging retailers to return their used underlay to us.

Participating retailers collect old or discarded foam underlay, together with off-cuts and trims sent back to them, and deliver all of this to Dunlop Flooring. Here it is cleaned, sorted, and ultimately recycled into new reusable underlay. This brand new recycled Dunlop Underlay is then passed on to the retailer, who in turn provides you the benefit of quality Australian made underlay for your home.

Proudly working with the government to protect our environment.

We recently worked with the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment on a case study video that showcases how we recycle carpet underlay and use recycled content in our flooring products. Featuring our very own Sean Forde and Joe Fernandes, we were one of just twenty companies selected to participate in this fantastic campaign.

Play Video

Ektimo was engaged by Dunlop Flooring to determine emissions to air from DP3 and the Boiler Stack at the Wetherill Park plant of Dunlop Flooring. Results from this stack emission monitoring program indicate that Dunlop Flooring was compliant with requirements of Licence 12721 during the sampling period. Our detected values were below the licence limit set by the NSW EPA at <0.0003. We also achieved a fine particulates isokinetic result of <2 concentration per mg/m³ and a total VOCs outcome of 0.15 concentration per mg/m³ for DP3. The boiler stack attained a fine particulates isokinetic result of <4 concentration per mg/m³ and a total VOCs outcome of <0.02 concentration per mg/m³.

Learn more about our EnviroFirst initiatives


Best Practice PVC Certification


National Asthma Council Approved Flooring


Our EnviroFirst Mission